What we do

ELEKTROSYSTEM is a Czech and Slovak company which specializes in the development, construction and servicing of information systems in the field of electric power transmission control and distribution. Our solutions cover all the functions required for dispatch control systems of all voltage levels. We also have many years of experience and knowledge in the field of electric power networks dispatch management.

Our customers are big energy companies that ensure the operation of the transmission system and the distribution of electricity. 

We operate mainly in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 

You can find us in Brno, Prague and Žilina.


Establishment of the company

The company ELEKTROSYSTEM was founded in 1990 in Žilina. At the time of its establishment, the key employees had already had extensive experience in the implementation of dispatch control systems in the energy sector, acquired within their previous jobs in this area.


Establishment of the Brno branch

A branch in Brno was established, focusing mainly  on development.


Bringing RIS to market

The company launched its own RIS control and information system on the market in 1992 with the first installations in Slovakia and subsequently in the Czech Republic. The company also strengthened its position on the market through other successfully implemented projects for key customers focusing on prompt and flexible development with an emphasis on customers' needs and fast support.


Splitting the company into two legal entities

After the split of Czechoslovakia (in 1993), the company was divided into two legal entities: ELEKTROSYSTEM, s.r.o. in Žilina and ELEKTROSYSTEM, spol. s.r.o. in Brno. Both entities share one management and a common strategy.


QMS certification

Quality Management System (QMS) successfully implemented and certified according to the international standard ISO 9001.


Building up the internal infrastructure

Since 2002, the company in Brno has been based in its own new building and the company in Žilina  fin its own reconstructed building. The availability of our services was also supported by the establishment of a branch in Prague, also located in its own new building.


Self-produced communication units

Since 2004, ELEKTROSYSTEM has been supplying its own communication units of the RTM series for remote data transmission and control via the GPRS data network. The units are used at DOÚV, small substations, wind sources and other objects of the power grid.


EMS and BOZP certification

Environmental Management System (EMS) successfully implemented and certified according to the ISO 14001 international standard and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS) according to the ISO 18001 international standard.


ISMS certification

Information Security Management System (ISMS) successfully implemented and certified according to the international standard ISO 27001.


BCMS certification

Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) successfully implemented and certified according to international standard ISO 22301.



The company continues successfully to operate in the field of dispatch control systems of all levels as well as continues with long-term cooperation with key Czech and Slovak energy companies. It has been continuously developing application SW for management, planning and evaluation of the operation of energy networks based on current requirements within the field of energy, from requirements for system management, to ensuring cyber security parameters.

Establishment of the company
Establishment of the Brno branch
Bringing RIS to market
Splitting the company into two legal entities
QMS certification
Building up the internal infrastructure
Self-produced communication units
EMS and BOZP certification
ISMS certification
BCMS certification

Our vision

ELEKTROSYSTEM is a Czech and Slovak company developing and providing information systems and services in the field of electric power transmission control and distribution.


Our products cover all the required functionalities of dispatch control systems of all voltage levels.


Over the years, we have gained plenty of experience and knowledge in the field of dispatch management, which we are also constantly broadening.


Our customers are mainly large energy companies providing transmission and distribution of electricity.


Our solutions and services meet all the requirements for critical infrastructure control information systems, including adequate level of cyber security, integrity and business continuity.

Ing. Josef Novotný

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer ELEKTROSYSTEM a.s. (CZ)

Ing. Marek Smrž

Chairman of the Board

Chairman of the Board ELEKTROSYSTEM a.s. (CZ)

Ing. Ladislav Ďurana

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer ELEKTROSYSTEM a.s. (SK)


Within our management system, we have gradually implemented methods and procedures in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, which is evidenced by the successful certification by the CQS certification body. The scope of certifications is defined in particular by the processes of development, production, installation and service of control and information systems.


politika ISMS


certifikát ISO 22301


certifikát ISO 9001


certifikát ISO 27001


certifikát ISO 14001


certifikát ISO 45001
